
The Worship Service


Worship of the Living God is the most important thing the Christian Church does. It is our time as a gathered community to offer thanks and praise and confession to God so that we might re-inspire ourselves and others to re-enter the community knowing that God is not finished.

Our worship held every Sunday at 10:00 am.  At the present time we are meeting in person  in the church and  via zoom.  We taking measures to ensure safety including requiring masks to be worn.

We celebrate Holy Communion the first Sunday of each month and on Maundy Thursday.

Our worship style and order or worship honors our Reformed Protestant roots.

Music in the Church

Our music reflects and embraces the progressive and reforming traditions of our faith, often echoing the elegance of the woodland landscape surrounding the church. We use two resources for congregational singing: the Chalice Hymnal and the New Century Hymnal of the United Church of Christ. We rejoice that both make use of the expansive and inclusive language we prefer when invoking the name of our Creating, Redeeming and Empowering God.

Currently, COVID prevents us from enjoying the voices of our choir, but vocal and instrumental soloists enhance the worship experience and we encourage more of the same.

Our church is blessed with music as played on a baby grand piano, an electronic keyboard with its many applications, and on occasion on an older reed organ.